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Kragerø municipality: Safety around the clock with security monitoring from Netsecurity

-I sleep very well at night knowing that Netsecurity is constantly monitoring and can stop an attack before the hackers can do any damage

Adam Moen, IT Manager at Kragerø Municipality

We have always been concerned about IT security in Kragerø Municipality, says IT Manager Adam Moen.
- After the hacker attack on Østre Toten Municipality, we have worked even more dedicatedly with security. During the attack, all employees in Østre Toten municipality lost access to the systems and citizens' personal information went astray. This was followed by a list from KS with recommendations for measures. When an updated list was published again in 2022, the point about security monitoring was moved up to the highest priority.

-There are probably municipalities today that have been hacked without them knowing it

Adam Moen, IT Manager in Kragerø Municipality

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Many municipalities would have had an aha moment

The hacker attack on Østre Toten municipality shows that a hacker can be in the municipality's network and operate for a long time without being detected. "I think many municipalities would have an 'aha' moment if they saw how much activity was going on," says Adam. "There are probably municipalities today that have been hacked without them knowing it. For Kragerø Municipality, Netsecurity is not a resting place, but a good partner to have on the team.

Read more about our MDR service for municipalities.


It was very quick to get started

- We saw that Netsecurity was by far the best match for our requirement specifications. They also appeared to be the most forward-looking in their solutions. Not least, they had the shortest implementation time.

Adam Moen

- "We quickly realized that we were too small to do this ourselves," explains Adam. He contacted neighboring municipalities to find out how they intended to handle the recommendation from KS, but at the time, the other municipalities had not planned any major initiatives. Kragerø Municipality decided to run a public tender for security monitoring and contacted several IT security providers. And the choice fell on Netsecurity.

- "We realized that Netsecurity was by far the best match for our requirement specifications - and they also appeared to be the most forward-looking in their solutions. Not least, they had the shortest implementation time," explains Moen. When Kragerø Municipality signed the agreement with Netsecurity, it only took a couple of weeks before the security monitoring was up and running.


The biggest vulnerability is the users

Kragerø Municipality has 2,600 users, including municipal employees and students. They have worked a lot on awareness internally, especially among employees. Moen says that it's hard to reach so many people and make them understand the seriousness of the issue. "Our biggest vulnerability is our users," says Adam. "All it takes is for one person to click on the wrong link and we have a hacker inside our systems.

With this in mind, Adam and his colleagues find it safe to have a partner like Netsecurity. "I sleep very well at night knowing that Netsecurity is constantly monitoring and can stop an attack before the hackers can do any damage," he says.


A great eye-opener to see all the activity

Security monitoring from Netsecurity detects and responds to suspicious activity in the infrastructure 24 hours a day, all year round. Monitoring from Netsecurity operates under the 1-10-60 rule: They detect an intrusion in less than 1 minute, analyze the incident within 10 minutes and respond within 60 minutes. In 2022, the average response time was 9 minutes.

Monitoring 24/7/365 the way Netsecurity does requires resources and up-to-date knowledge of how hackers work, which Kragerø Municipality does not have the capacity to adequately follow up on its own. "We have a permanent person at Netsecurity we relate to," explains Adam. "We get quick answers to questions along the way, and we have a good sparring partner when it comes to new solutions and further priorities," he continues.

How was it to get started with this service? "It was a real eye-opener when we started with security monitoring from Netsecurity - my first thought was: Oh yeah, there's so much going on!" explains Adam.

-It was a real eye-opener when we started using security monitoring from Netsecurity. My first thought was: Oh yes, there is so much going on, yes!

Adam Moen, Kragerø Municipality

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Peace of mind and overview in a hectic workday

In addition to the peace of mind provided by security monitoring, both Adam Moen and his colleagues in the IT department notice that they have freed up a lot of time in their day-to-day work for other tasks.

- "It's great for us to be able to concentrate on our tasks, while knowing that someone else is taking care of other tasks. In general, we experience very good sparring with Netsecurity. They are very service-minded and very competent," says Adam .

Jens Elmholt Birkeland

Jens Elmholt Birkeland

+47 920 23 456|


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