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Corporate social responsibility

Sustainable society and positive value creation through the services and solutions we deliver

At Netsecurity, we want to contribute to a sustainable society and positive value creation through the services and solutions we provide.


Netsecurity's own operations pose little threat to the environment, as the company does not produce goods or services that could harm the environment.

We support the UN Global Compact's principles 7-9 on the environment and environmental responsibility (businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, take initiatives to promote increased environmental responsibility, and encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technology).


Netsecurity is certified "Miljøfyrtårn".

Return schemes and recycling

Netsecurity is a member of various schemes and has agreements with several suppliers for the responsible handling of waste.

Collection and processing of packaging. Grønt Punkt is not an eco-label, but a receipt for payment to a national collection and recycling scheme. The fee is a voluntary alternative to public charges. It finances proper collection and recycling so that packaging does not end up in landfill as waste. Each type of material covers its own costs, non profit.Return system for collection and recycling of packaging approved by the Norwegian Environment Agency.

Collection, treatment, recycling and environmentally sound handling of electronic waste. Ensures responsible handling and reuse of electronic waste.

Netsecurity supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Netsecurity will be an inclusive workplace where employees have a safe and secure working environment.

Goal 9 - Innovation and infrastructure
Netsecurity will contribute positively to customers' ability to innovate and digitize society.

Goal 13 - Stop climate change
Netsecurity will work actively to help stop climate change.


Ethical trade, anti-corruption and equal treatment

Netsecurity shall always respect human rights and ethical guidelines, and conduct its business with due diligence to avoid becoming involved in violations of these. We have a particular responsibility for our own operations, but the obligation to respect these also applies to our relationships with partners, suppliers, customers and others affected by the company's operations.

Netsecurity defines human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and workers' rights as set out in the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Value creation in Netsecurity shall take place in accordance with our ethical guidelines and applicable legislation. As a consequence, we have zero tolerance for corruption. Corruption hinders economic development, inhibits competition and undermines both the rule of law and the democratic process in a society .Netsecurity supports the Global Compact's principle no. 10, on anti-corruption:" Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. "

Netsecurity shall contribute to raising general awareness of human rights and ethical trade in society by demonstrating its commitment to suppliers, customers and others .Netsecurity shall ensure that its operations do not interfere with indigenous peoples' right to self-determination, for example in relation to land or other natural resources on which they depend .

If Netsecurity has business plans that may have consequences for a marginalized population group, the company shall establish a dialogue with representatives of the population group to find a solution that is satisfactory to both parties.

Netsecurity shall promote a culture characterized by respect and consideration for other people. We value open, fact-based, honest and respectful communication, and will seek to achieve a working environment where employees are aware of the background to doing business with a focus on human rights and ethical trade .

Employment in Netsecurity shall always be based on voluntary agreement, and the work shall always be carried out without any form of coercion or harassment, either physically or mentally.

Netsecurity believes that diversity in experience and perspectives among managers and employees enhances the quality of decision-making .Netsecurity shall work systematically to promote diversity in the workplace and prevent discrimination based on gender, religion, race, national or ethnic origin, cultural background, social affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, age or political opinion. The company shall work towards a culture where personal differences are respected and valued and promote equal opportunities for all, particularly with regard to recruitment, pay and benefits, promotion and training.

The Transparency Act

Netsecurity AS is subject to the Norwegian Transparency Act and complies with the duty of disclosure following due diligence. The content of the report follows guidance from the Norwegian Consumer Authority, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and internal procedures for risks and opportunities.

Read more here

Support for the local community

Netsecurity actively supports associations and organizations that contribute positively to a more sustainable society by activating and engaging for better health and less inequalities.
Jens Elmholt Birkeland

Jens Elmholt Birkeland

+47 920 23 456

John-André Bjørkhaug

John-André Bjørkhaug

Subject Matter Expert

+47 934 64 053 |

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